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You're viewing Elder Scrolls, The : Arena Cheat Codes
Game Name : Elder Scrolls, The : Arena
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-12-03 05:12:46
Views : 24352
God Mode
Anytime during gameplay, press the ~ key to bring up the Console Menu and
type TGM and then press enter. God Mode will then be activated. To turn it off,
simply type it again.
Boosting stats by editing save game files (HEX editor required)
Stats are stored in the save game files, which are name saveengn.xx, where xx is the save game number based on the slot you use (for example: the top slot would be saveengn.00, the second saveengn.01, and so on). You must be able to HEX edit. For example, you can give a character 1,000,000,000 GP like this:
(In the file)
Offset 41E 18
Offset 41F FA
Offset 420 C4 80
Offset 421 83 F8
Offset 041F is part of the field for Gold. Change it from what it is to CC to get around 65K gold pieces. Offset 040C is part of the field for Experience. Change it from 48 to 4F to get around 1.28 x 10^11 Experience points.
Field covers 4 bytes - 409 to 40C (hex) 409 holds the lowest value and 40C holds the highest value.
To give a character more attribute points make the following change: (next fight gives the points)
Offset 006 87 (make character level 1)
At the time of the next fight you will get a bunch of points to distribute. The number depends on the difference between level 1 and the character's current level. Do not go to 100 for each attribute as that will hang the game next time the character gains a level. Leave at least (6*(26-current level)) points available for distribution. If the idea is to increase stats, use the offset 006 change until the values you want to increase are high enough.
It is much easier to edit the spells, since they're kept in clear hex. Use Spellmaker to create a spell that does 1-1 pts of damage, +1-1/level, then look the spell up in the SPELLS.xx file (where xx is the savegame #), and change it to 99-99, + 99-99/level, etc, etc. You can change other factors such as chance and duration. There are also two effects (Cage and Death Spell) that seem to never have been implemented, but activating them and using them is not advisable, as that will result in disharmonious outcomes.
Duplicate rare quest items:
Kill the player character and get item that you wish to duplicate. Open the console
window and enable the player-]ra code to get the desired player character back.
Repeat the quest as often as desired to get as many rare items as needed.
Cheat List :
Press ~ to display the console and type player-] and one of the following cheats:
Result - Cheat:
Flight mode - setflying 1
Super jumps - setsuperjump 1
Walk on water - setwaterwalking 1
Breathe underwater - setwaterbreathing 1
Set player level - setlevel [number)
Add indicated amount of gold - additem "Gold_100" [number)
Set maximum fatigue value - setfatigue [number)
Set maximum magic value - setmagicka [number)
Set player health - sethealth [number)
Place character in the named cell - centeroncell -or- coc (cell ID)
Place character in exterior cell grid - centeronexterior -or- coe (x,y)
Create map image file for Xbox - createmaps ["filename.esp"]
Add all entries to journal - filljournal
Show all the towns on full map - fillmap
Teleport 128 units from location - fixme
Get faction reaction - getfactionreaction (faction ID)
Show help commands - help
Show variables - showvars -or- sv
Stop cell test - stopcelltest -or- sct
Test cells - testcells -or- tc
Test interior cells - testinteriorcells -or- tic
Test models - testmodels -or- t3d
Toggle AI - toggleai -or- ta
Toggle borders - toggleborders -or- tb
Toggle combat statistics - togglecombatstats -or- tcs
Toggle collisions - togglecollision -or- tcl
Toggle collision boxes - togglecollisionboxes -or- tcb
Toggle collision grid - togglecollisiongrid -or- tcg
Toggle debug text - toggledebugtext -or- tdt
Toggle dialogue statistics - toggledialoguestats -or- tds
Toggle fog of war - togglefogofwar -or- tfow
Toggle God mode - togglegodmode -or- tgm
Toggle grid - togglegrid -or- tg
Toggle kill statistics - togglekillstats -or- tks
Toggle load fade - toggleloadfade
Toggle magic statistics - togglemagicstats -or- tms
Toggle magic statistics - togglemagicstats -or- tms
Toggle menus - togglemenus -or- tm
Toggle path grid - tpg
Toggle scripts - togglescripts
Toggle stats - togglestats -or- tst
Toggle sky - togglesky -or- ts
Toggle texture string - toggletexturestring -or- tts
Toggle wireframe - togglewireframe -or- twf
Toggle world - toggleworld -or- tw
Show ownership and script name - togglefullhelp -or- tfh
Show selected actor's party - sg
Show selected actor's targets - st
Show scene graph - showscenegraph -or- ssg
One to one mode - moto
Toggle water/no water - twa
Toggle vanity mode - tvm
Toggle script output - tso
Toggle load fade - tlf
Toggle bot AI - tai
Display output info - ori
Toggle lighting - tl
Show variables - sv
Show animations - sa
Reset enemies, NPCs, players - ra
Purge textures - pt
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